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Western Beef is a not-for-profit organisation that supports a locally connected, diverse farming community to grow, promote and implement innovative best practice.

Our Vision
A sustainable, innovative and collaborative WA Beef industry trusted and valued by domestic and international consumers.

Our Mission
Support a locally connected, diverse community to grow, promote and implement innovative best practice.
Focus Areas & Strategies
Sustainable, robust business model
Develop membership and sponsorship structure
Use E-commerce solutions for income streams
Develop a fee for service extension arm
Industry relationships
Form alliances with key industry players
Develop a targeted marketing strategy
Engaged and informed membership
Implement communications strategy
Understand and respond to member needs
Provide extension and information transfer
Innovation and best practice
Identify new innovations for WA conditions
Evaluate on farm innovations and best practice
Promote successful innovations and best practice
Who We Are
Western Beef is operated by passionate volunteers who (among other things) help facilitate a range of extension services and field days.

Lindsay Wolrige
Occupational Background – worked 1967 Department of Agriculture WA Dairy division. During 1972 formed Westralian AB Services Pty Ltd production centre in Busselton – importing/exporting semen and embryos whilst being involved in training both local and UN sponsored overseas students in various aspects of the latest techniques in animal reproduction.
Was 8 years a Director of Angus Australia – Chairing the Breed Development committee and presently on an advisory panel for the sire benchmarking program. Part time research assistant for several years at CYO’Connor research institute and awarded Life Membership of the Foundation.
Present Interests – managing Esslemont Angus Stud. Musician at Busselton Repertory Club. Having a theoretical interest in evolutionary genetics. Member of local Chess Club.

Ken MacLeay
Ken has a Commerce Degree from the University of Western Australia. He worked in business advisory and taxation for a decade while also playing cricket for Western Australia and Australia. Ken was awarded Honorary Life Membership of the Western Australian Cricket Association in 2001.
Ken has been principal of Blackrock Angus since 1992 a stud bull breeding enterprise now in its 56th Year. A longstanding supporter of the beef industry in Western Australia Ken was awarded Life Membership of the Beef Improvement Association the forerunner to Western Beef. He was also awarded Honorary Membership of Western Beef in 2023 having served for many years as the inaugural Chairman.
Western Beef was founded due to an industry gap for a producer run organisation focusing on grass roots issues and technology transfer. Ken is delighted to see Western Beef stepping up and continuing to develop its industry profile.

Mark Thomas
Mark’s journey into the WA beef industry began when he bought a small herd over a decade ago, with no intention of making a living but simply to reconnect with his farming upbringing. This hobby was never going to suffice and has grown into a 400-head breeding and fattening system in the Peel region.
Growing up on a Dairy and Beef property, the son of a livestock buyer in New Zealand, Mark gained an understanding of the beef industry from paddock to plate. He completed a degree in agribusiness before moving to Perth, starting a finance brokerage which he operates in addition to the farming enterprise. His previous experience includes board roles in a number of clubs and associations, including president.
Mark believes through widely available workshops and education programs farmers can increase on-farm production however he feels improvements can be made through greater co-operation and transparency between WA beef industry partners. He thinks WA beef operations are diverse, and everyone has a part to play to ensure WA remains an efficient and reliable producer of high-quality beef.

David Humphreys
David takes a keen interest in all things beef. He is active in the community, a company director and owner-operator of a private farming and forestry enterprise across approximately 1000ac. With wife, Helen, and family, they primarily focus on beef, honey and timber production.
Before focusing on farming, David spent 26 years in a range of professional roles in the resources sector. He has tertiary qualifications in science, environmental impact, and farm forestry. He has also completed specialist training in project management, organisational capability, compliance assurance and leadership. David's professional employment included a range of technical, consulting and management roles within government and private industry, which focused on health, environment and safety, regulatory approvals, land access, compliance assurance, and management system development and optimisation. David is experienced in building strong working relations with all levels of staff, as well as with external stakeholders, communities, government authorities and Ministers.
David hopes that his passion for the beef industry as well as skills and experience in the areas of policy, strategic planning, budget and performance reviews, governance and advocacy may be of benefit to the Board.

James Bowie
James Bowie with his wife Katina run an Angus beef operation located near Bridgetown. In addition to his farming interests, James has had a successful career in the resources sector with various corporate and government affairs roles at Chevron Australia, Woodside Energy and the Chamber of Minerals and Energy.
With more than 25 years working within the resource sector and a role on the Board of Cattle Australia - the national peak body for grass-fed beef producers - James offers a unique range of skills and connections that can benefit Western Beef and its members. James became involved with Western Beef when he attended one of its Grazing Matcher courses back in 2018 and saw first-hand the critical role the organisation could play helping farmers learn and share information.
James is also a member of the SouthWest WA Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub Committee that is funded by the Australian Government's $5 billion Future Drought Fund and coordinated by the Grower Group Alliance (GGA).
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